Monday, August 10, 2009

My review of Food Inc

My husband and I finally got a chance to go see Food Inc at the lovely Naro theater last night. I had heard a few rave reviews about the film and to be completely honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go see it. I knew that I would see and learn things that I wouldn't be able to forget and I was absolutely right.

Watching the film broke my heart! I was torn to bits seeing what has happened to our food system. I know and practice eating local and love buying from my local farmer's market but I need to take it to another level.

The movie takes you into a world that few know anything about. Though our country was built on farming, most of America is so far removed from the actual farm that I think we feel like it's still old farm houses, overalls, tractors, and good old-fashioned farming. That's not really how it works these days.

I actually started tearing up during the movie because it was just so sad to see what's happened to our food system and how our animals are treated. It's touching, brutally honest, and I hope to goodness that politicians everywhere see this movie and actually do something about it.

Come to think of it, the Creigh Deeds for Governor campaign group just set up shop right next door to the store. I might just pop over and chat with the volunteers about the movie. I've never been into political battles, but I may just have to start dabbling in legislature a bit because it NEEDS to be changed.

I've said many times to the customers in the store that you should vote with your dollars. This film proves that it works! It works so well that your "voting" has encouraged Wal-Mart to offer organic options.

There's so much more that I could share about the movie, but it would really hit home if you just went to see it. Please go. It's an educational experience that everyone should have.

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