Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Notes from Donia...

Hello all, my name is Donia and I am interning here at Green Alternatives for the next ten weeks! For my blog, I was supposed to pick and write about any green topic. I didn’t want to write about something obvious, such as, recycling. Instead, I would like to write about everything that I have learned so far. I applied for this internship to learn more about going green and what it’s all about. So far, this has been a refreshing learning experience and I have taken in so much information!

All the products in this store are amazing! I’ve learned that everything can be reused, and it’s a shame how much goes to waste. I’ve learned that everyday waste can be composted, or that someone’s trash can be turned into someone’s jewelry. Shirts can be turned into pillowcases or hats, and pillowcases can be turned into dresses for little girls!

It’s only been my second week and I already feel so much more aware. I never realized how bounded we are by toxins and all of the unnatural ingredients that are used. From the pesticides on our food, the cleaning products we use, down to makeup we use! I love how there are so many alternatives…all the different soaps, the hair dye, the makeup line, and even the deodorant offered! It’s always wonderful to have options, and I’m sure that’s what customers appreciate the most.

After my first day, when I learned that paper can be made from elephant poo, nothing ceases to amaze me! I think that’s the most interesting thing I have come across in this store. It’s just so unheard of, yet still so innovative! I remember how taken I was with everything in this store; I told all my friends and coworkers about all the cool stuff that’s offered.

My favorite part of this internship is the giving back aspect. Organizing this blood drive and administering a drive for the women’s and family shelter is the most rewarding part. I can’t wait until it all falls into place. I really want soles4souls to work out as well!

All in all, I am happy I took up this internship…I’m NEVER bored and there’s always a rewarding project lined up for me to do! This is going to be a fulfilling ten weeks, and I can’t wait to see all the ways this is going to change me.

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