Friday, June 4, 2010

COMPOST DAILY - Planet-Forward BBQ

A favorite summer pastime: BBQ with friends and family. Be sure to bring the green to the grill for your parties with the few tips below.

1. Using propane, gas, or electric for grilling will give you a more efficient grill time over wood and charcoal meaning less chemicals being released.

2. If you do use charcoal, go au natural instead of using briquettes which may contain coal dust and other chemicals that are toxic byproducts of burning.

3. Say no to lighter fluid. Petroleum fluid releases VOCs when burned.

4. Get the 'good' food: ethically raised meats, local and organic veggies and fruit.

5. Compost what you can.

6. Ditch the disposables or choose biodegradable plates, cups, and forks.

7. Evite guests instead of sending paper invites.

8. Go solar with your outdoor lighting.

Source: Greenwala

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